Future Perfect

400 599 Passionlab

Exhibition presented in Padova.

I conceived “la città del non luogo” (“the no place city”) in the foreground. Its buildings, handcrafted using xylo-ceramic, are arranged on four independent platforms, which are placed around a make believe cardo and decumanus. The latter converges towards the end of the room sharpening the vanishing point.

On the far end wall there is a double wall painted with the typical hues resembling the style of my work, and it plays the role of both a coloured background and a support for a little window looking on to the world: an incised, Baroque framed tiny tale.

Between the big, deserted city and its gateway a space spreads out, and I like to call it “the thinking room”, which is a wall-less room, incised in the functional shapes used to furnish it. The erstwhile men lived in this place and, nowadays, they can still stop by here and read the history treasured by the texture of each item.

In fact, the assembled lamp, which stands out against the sky, lightening upward, the bedside table that lies at its side and, eventually, the ball chair wear a lifetime story’s trails: a tale about my journey within things…



All stories by: Passionlab
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